Firmen unter Kategorie Türkei (37)

AC/DC Electronic Systems Inc.
34384 Okmeydani - Istanbul Türkei
It has been established in year 2000 for the purpose of researching, developing, manufacturing, import, export, sale and rendering after sale technical services of primarily online Uninterruptible Power Supplies, Line Interactive Uninterruptible Power Supplies, Dry Type Batteries...

34384 Sislii/ Istanbul Türkei
AKDER Turkish Fluid Power Association, regarding fluid power systems in Turkey, leading distributorship and project, production, representation activities, respecting the rules of commercial ethics, is a non-govermental organization, founded in1994 by the representatives of trading firms registered in local chambers of commerce.

AMD - Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association
34718 Kadiköy Istanbul Türkei
The purpose of the Association is to help packaging machinery manufacturers improve themselves and their processing machinery both in Turkey and abroad.

Artekmak Makina San. Ve Tic. A.S
35150 Buca-Izmir Türkei
Artekmak Makina manufactures complex and high precision parts for industries such as Automotive, Medical, Aviation, Hand Tools, and White Goods with its approximately 30 years of knowledge and experience.

06420 Ankara Türkei
Association of manufacturer´s union of vehicles, on-vehicle equipments and work machines

C2/29 Hasanpasa-Kadikoy/Istanbul Türkei
Elevator and Escalator Industrialists´ Association. AYSAD was founded in 1972 by 10 founders working in the leading companies of Turkey.

34490 Basaksehir/ Istanbul Türkei
BESIAD - Association of Fastener Industrialists and Businessmen was founded in 2000 in order to help find com mon solutions to the firms and individuals manufacturing form fittings.

Birlik Baglanti Elemanlari San. Ve Tic. Ltd. S¸ ti.
34586 Istanbul Türkei
Birlik Baglanti Elemanlari Ltd. Company which was esta- blished in 1988 as a trading company for screw, bolt, rivet and similar fastener systems, has begun production with the demand of the customers in 1993.

BlackGriffin LTD
D18CV48 Dublin Irland
Zertifizierte Regulatorik-Compliance Experten und Interim Manager für die EU-Finanzindustrie, spezialisiert auf Outsourcing, Informationstechnologie, Governance, Risiko-Management und Compliance. | D-U-N-S® Nummer: " 985741700 "

1101 CN Amsterdam-Zuidoost Niederlande
Wir führen Sie in die Zukunft der Logistik. Unser unerschütterliches Engagement für die Bereitstellung besserer Lösungen für die Branche ist die treibende Kraft für die globale Expansion von Coyote Logistics. Immer besser, immer größer. Wir wissen was es heißt, ein Unternehmen von einer Grundidee zu einem globalen Unternehmen zu entwickeln. Wir sind agil und fokussiert geblieben, als wir uns zu einem weltweit führenden Logistikdienstleister entwickelt haben, der täglich für über 1000 Versender arbeitet.